Joey + Jordan :: Engagement Photos :: Sioux Falls, SD :: Sertoma Park

Two words: South Dakota.

Not in a million billion years did I ever think I’d spend 4 years of my existence in South Dakota. Moving from an island – surrounded by water! –  in the Puget Sound to being trapped by lots and lots of (flat) land was a strange and challenging adjustment. But I’m forever thankful for those years and for the people I share too many wonderful memories with. Joey and I played tennis in college together and I was SO PUMPED when she and Jordan asked us to shoot their wedding this fall! Working with friends is such a gift. I still have a hard time believing this. is. our. JOB. What the flip!

ALL THAT to say here are some sick pics (better known as “sie pies” according to Char) from our time with J & J in Sioux Falls last month. You two are truly too much cuteness. —Julia Joy Beck

Hey, I'm Char!

I've been making wedding photos fun since 2007. Contact me to see if I'm free the date of your wedding!